Bio | Experience


Hello, my name is Bryan.
Originally a public school educator with a background in media arts, I transitioned into a full-time freelance digital artist and designer in 2018. My higher education journey started in digital animation, but ended with a Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education. Never giving up on art and feeling unfulfilled, I took a leap of faith into my work as a designer and found a niche in online content branding and marketing. While not formally trained or licensed (yet), I have over a decade of experience with Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere, and InDesign. Learning never stops though, I have begun the complex journey of post-production skills with After Effects, hoping to round out my production knowledge. I will never stop growing as an artist, and my diverse portfolio of solo and collaborative work speaks for my dedication to evolve and adapt. 

Team Mascot 

This is Lilith. If my work wasn't reason enough, hopefully her face is enough to sway you. It typically is for me.